Who is Jesus?
Do you know who Jesus is? It’s easy to think that he’s just some character in a story from the Bible but Jesus really lived on earth like us. You know all those feelings, questions, concerns, sadness, and misunderstandings you’ve had in your life? He had them too! Jesus was a human, but get this ••• He was also God!
He came to Earth, so He knows just how hard some days can be. The Bible is a great place to read more about Jesus’ life. The Bible is a home for all the little stories, letters, and histories that helped shape this BIG story of God’s love. One of Jesus’ good friends, John, actually wrote some stories about his life that you can find in the Bible. John was a good friend to Jesus. John wrote about Jesus not just as a character, but as a real human – just like you! That’s right. “The Word” is just another name for Jesus. So, if you’re keeping track, you can call Him Jesus, Friend, or The Word. But, let’s just stick with Jesus or Friend for now. Why? Because He came to earth to dwell among humans to reveal a new way to live, God’s way! His way is shown with grace and truth. Over the next few Sundays, we’re going to discover that way of living. Leading up to Resurrection Sunday, we will see why Easter is such an important part of Jesus’ life on earth.
Sunday Morning Videos
Pre K – K
Key Verse: “Be strong and brave. I will be with you everywhere you go” (Joshua 1:9)
1st – 3rd
Key Verse: “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So do not be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27)
4th – 6th
Key Verse: “Let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)